First impression of person’s behaviors

First impression of person’s behaviors

  • Select one person in each category below:
    • A person you do not know and who you probably will not see again (the clerk at the grocery store, etc.)
    • A person you have known for some time and for whom you can remember your first impressions (acquaintance, friend, spouse, etc.)
  • Briefly describe each person including his or her specific behavior at your first meeting, the context of your interaction with each person, and your first impression of each person.
  • Explain whether you made external (situational) and/or internal (dispositional) attributions for each person’s behavior during that first meeting.
  • Did you engage in automatic thinking or controlled thinking informing your first impression of each person? Explain. What, if any, schemas or heuristics did you use?
  • With which culture(s) do you identify?  how does your culture influence your impressions of others? For example, (a) how does your culture influence the content of a particular schema (Aronson, Wilson, & Sommers, 2019, p. 70), (b) which culturally-specific display rules influence your impressions (Aronson, Wilson, & Sommers, 2019, pp. 889-90), or (c) when have you engaged in holistic or analytic thinking as your culture would predict (Aronson, Wilson, & Sommers, 2019, p. 110)?