Color Code Personality Test

Color Code Personality Test


Personality Tests 2 Test 1: 2 A FREE DISC PERSONALITY TEST 2: 3 Color Code Personality Test 3 MOTIVE [ Fun ] 3 ABOUT YELLOW 3 Test 3: 4 OSPP Four Temperaments Test 4

Types of Intelligence 5

Skills: 5



Personality Tests

Test 1:




Cautious, Supportive, and Dominant qualities are all present in my personality. My Cautious characteristics are definitely stronger than my Supportive or Dominant characteristics.

Careful, focused on perfection, results-oriented, and collaborative are some words that describe me.

I have both extroverted and reserved characteristics, albeit I may lean more toward the reserved side. I probably like to stick to tried and true methods for getting things done while respecting the feelings of others. I like to work alone most of the time, but if necessary, I can collaborate with others.

MY NATURAL OR BASIC STYLE My “natural” or “internal” condition is usually represented by my Basic Style. It’s a collection of motivations that influence how I perceive, understand, and interact with the environment. This is the element of my personality that occurs “in my head.” In most circumstances, only my closest friends and family will see this side of me. In my style blend, the bar graph tries to reflect the relative intensity of each drive.



MY ENVIRONMENTAL OR ADAPTED STYLE My Adapted Style tends to reflect the real behaviors I’ve learned to employ in order to be most successful in the context in which I was thinking when I took the test. This is the part of me that is most evident to others since it is the part of me that manifests itself in my actions (my body language, facial expressions, tone, etc.) As I engage and work with people, the bar graph tries to illustrate the relative frequency with which I use each behavior style.

Test 2:

Color Code Personality Test



MOTIVE [ Fun ] Yellows are motivated by Fun. They are inviting and embrace life as a party that they’re hosting. They love playful interaction and can be extremely sociable. They are highly persuasive and seek instant gratification. Yellows need to be adored and praised. While yellows are carefree, they are sensitive and highly alert to others’ agendas to control them. Yellows typically carry within themselves the gift of a good heart.

ABOUT YELLOW Yellows need to look good socially, and friendships command a high priority in their lives. Yellows are happy, articulate, engaging with others and crave adventure. Easily distracted, they can never sit still



for long. They embrace each day in the “present tense” and choose people who, like themselves, enjoy a curious nature. Yellows are charismatic, spontaneous, and positive; but can also be irresponsible, obnoxious, and forgetful. When you deal with a YELLOW, take a positive, upbeat approach and promote light-hearted, creative, and fun interactions.