three bullet points.

three bullet points.

  • Slide 1: Edit the title slide to include your name, date, the course ID and course title, the assignment title, and a relevant graphic.
  • Slide 2: Create one (1) slide describing the main Information Systems terms and concepts you learned from this course.
    • Add the three bullet points on the slide.
    • Add one sub-bullet for each first level item.
    • Change the font color to a color of choice.
  • Slide 3: Create one (1) slide describing the main things you learned about using the Internet from this course.
    • Add the three bullet points.
    • Add sub-bullets if needed.
    • Insert a relevant, high quality graphic or image in the slide.
  • Slide 4: Create one (1) slide describing the main things you learned about academic integrity, ethics, and plagiarism from this course.
    • Add the three bullet points.
    • Add sub-bullets if needed.
    • Insert a relevant, high quality graphic or image in the slide.
    • Insert an entrance and exit animation of any type (ex: Fade, Fly In, etc.) in this slide.
  • Slide 5: Create one (1) slide describing the main things you learned about managing digital assets from this course.
    • Add the three bullet points.
    • Add sub-bullets if needed.
    • Insert a hyperlink to an outside source in this slide.
  • Slide 6: Create one (1) slide describing the top skills you learned from the Microsoft Word portion of this course.
    • Add the three bullet points.
    • Change the bullet style.
  • Slide 7: Create one (1) slide describing the top skills you learned from the Microsoft Excel portion of this course.
    • Add the three bullet points.
    • Add sub-bullets if needed.
    • Change the bullet style to a numbered list.
    • Insert a relevant chart, table, or SmartArt element into the slide. For example, you could add a bar chart to the slide on Excel in which you rate the Microsoft Excel skills you learned in this course in terms of difficulty or usefulness.
  • Slide 8: Create one (1) slide describing the top skills you learned from the Microsoft PowerPoint portion of this course.
    • Add the three bullet points.
    • Add sub-bullets if needed.
    • Change the bullet style to a numbered list.
  • Slide 9: Create one (1) slide describing the main things you learned about social media from this course.
    • Add the three bullet points.
    • Add sub-bullets if needed.
    • Insert a relevant, high quality graphic or image in the slide.
  • Slide 10: Create one (1) slide describing one of your personal or professional accomplishments and milestones for this term (aside from taking this course).
    • Add the three bullet points.
    • Add one sub-bullet for each bullet point.
  • Slide 11: Create the conclusion slide identifying how you can use the tools, skills, and knowledge you gained in this course going forward.
    • Add the three bullet points.
    • Add one sub-bullet for each bullet point.

Customize ALL slides:

  • Insert a transition of any type (ex. Cut, Fade, Push, etc.) into ALL of the slides in your presentation. Make the duration of this transition shorter than the default transition time.
  • Insert text into the Notes section of each slide indicating what you would consider saying when presenting your content. Note:Students should check with their instructors to see if they will need to present to the class.
  • Organize the presentation so that the information is clear and visually appealing.
  • Record your own audio narration on Slide 1 through Slide 10 as well as text narration in the Speaker Notes bottom area of each slide.
  • Click here for a downloadable version of these instructions for ALL slides in your presentation.