Theorist: Myra Levine

Theorist: Myra Levine

Theorist: Myra Levine (Grand nursing theory based on interactive process)

Analysis of the theory. (Describe and evaluate the theory.)

a. Describe the theory, providing a clear description of the theory. This description should be a synthesis that includes an overview of the theory.

b. Describe how the concepts relate to the metaparadigm of nursing, health, patient, and environment. Fully explain how the theorist depicts these metaparadigm concepts. Include definitions of these concepts.

c. Thoroughly describe the concepts, including their definitions, and how these concepts are interrelated. In addition to the metaparadigm concepts, theories include other key concepts and or sub-theories. For example, Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory contains three sub-theories. In addition to the metaparadigm concepts, Orem’s theory is composed of other concepts, such as self-care and self-care requisites. All concepts of a theory must be defined. How the concepts are related must also be demonstrated. These are important parts of the theory’s framework.

d. Describe the model, including a list of the concepts and/or a diagram/ schematic of the model. This criterion specifically addresses Criterion 3c. You Showing how the theory’s concepts connect as a whole is required. Including a diagram that highlights these concepts is highly recommended. Refer to McEwen and Wills (2014), p. 152, for an example of a diagram depicting the Neuman Systems Model.

e. Detail the theory’s usefulness. Explain how nurses can use the theory in nursing (that is, clinical practice, education, or administration).

Students can use information from the literature to address this section. However, clear examples must be provided of how the theory was (or can be) applied to practice, education, or administration. For example, were clinical practice guidelines developed using the theory? In addition to using information from the literature, students are required to develop a brief patient case applying the theory. For example, regarding nursing education, are there colleges that have based their curriculum on the theory?

f. Describe the theory’s testability. Describe how the theory has been used in one nursing study. Describe the study’s key elements, purpose, sample, method, and key findings. In your description, address how the theory was applied to the research. The description must include the following identifying information about the article: author(s), title, journal, volume, issue (if applicable), and page numbers cited according to the APA (6th edition).