receptor proteins

receptor proteins

Our cells are filled with intracellular and surface cell receptors (Berg & Clarke, 2018). These receptor proteins are delineated by structure and bind to a variety of substances responsible for creating a reaction or lack thereof. When a ligand binds to the appropriate receptor, signal transduction activates the receptor and produces a biological response ( Berg & Clarke, 2018). Changes in shape or activity after binding allow signal transmission outside the cell or significant changes within the cell, creating an altered chemical when binding to a ligand-gated-ion channel ( Berg & Clarke, 2018). This post will discuss the agonist/ antagonist spectrum of psychopharmacological agents, G-proteins and ion-gated channels, and epigenetics and their relevance to practice.

Agonists act like ligands, binding to receptors and causing action (Berg & Clarke, 2018). Ligands or agonists consist of pharmaceuticals, drugs, light, hormones, and nerve impulses. Ligands and agonists jump in and out of receptors, increasing signaling or changes in the cell. Antagonists block the standard action of ligands, preventing a response from the receptor (Berg & Clarke, 2018). Competitive antagonists bind to receptors and prevent ligands from attaching to its preferred receptor, inhibiting stimulation, and leaving the receptor unchanged (Berg & Clarke, 2018). Naloxone is a competitive antagonist to opiate receptors London, 2017). The naloxone has a stronger affinity for the receptor, making it more desirable. The medication discontinues the effects of the opiates by taking their place on the receptor. The higher the dose of opiates circulating the more naloxone required. Due to the excess amount of continued competition for receptors, some patients require multiple doses of naloxone before regaining the ability to breath or regain consciousness (London, 2017).