Nursing Practice, and Scholarship

Nursing Practice, and Scholarship

PBL is a student-centered learning method that focuses on applying theory to real life situations. The use of open-ended questions in PBL allows students to think critically and provide feedback. Simulation labs are mock scenarios that allow health care professionals to practice in a controlled environment. Simulation labs are found to be highly effective as they allow students to critique their skills until competent. While there are several strategies used to develop critical thinking, it is essential to determine which strategies works best for each individual to promote adequate learning.

Critical Thinking, Nursing Practice, and Scholarship

Critical thinking is an essential part of one’s nursing practice as it helps to build confidence and competency in the delivery of patient-directed care. With continued education and practical application nurses can develop skills needed to practice at a scholarly level. To continue to advance in one’s nursing practice nurses must evaluate strategies essential for the development of critical thinking skills.


Carvalho, D. P., Azevedo, I. C., Cruz, G. K., Mafra, G. A., Rego, A. L, Vitor, A. F., . . .Junior, M. A. (2017). Strategies Used for the Promotion of Critical Thinking in Nursing Undergraduate Education: A Systematic Review. Nurse Education Today, 57, 103-107. Doi10.1016/j.nedt.2017.07.010

Horvath, C. P., & Forte, J.M. (2011). Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World: Critical Thinking: Retrieved December, 31, 2018, from

Nurse Journal. (2005-2018). The Value of Critical Thinking in Nursing & Examples. Retrieved from [Accessed 31 Dec. 2018].