Mental Illness Presentation Thesis

Mental Illness Presentation Thesis


1. Choose one (1) mental illness discussed in the Mental Illness chapter of your text.

2. Create a PowerPoint presentation, including the following:

  • What is the name of the disorder?
  • What are the symptoms?
  • What are the causes, specifically highlighting: biopsychological research, environmental research, other research (if applicable).
  • Choose one (1) previous chapter in the textbook, discuss how the mental disorder may impact a specific biopsychological function as described in that chapter. For example, if you choose schizophrenia, you might discuss how the visual system might be impacted based on research.
  • Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed sources in the presentation. Cite the textbook. Provide a reference list at the end of your presentation in APA style.

3.  Create a Screencast (Links to an external site.) of your PowerPoint presentation:

  • Use the Kaltura CaptureSpace Recorder (Links to an external site.) to record your oral presentation. You can also use your phone or an app like Zoom for recording.
  • Your recording should include PowerPoint slides that cover all of the components of your research.
  • Your presentation should be limited to 10-15 minutes.
  • Upload your final screencast here in this assignment area.


PSY 334 Presentation RubricPSY 334 Presentation RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent20 to >18.4 ptsDistinguishedReveals a solid understanding of the proposed topic as evidenced by preliminary research and knowledge18.4 to >16.6 ptsProficientIdentifies significant details of the proposed topic. Reveals an adequate understanding of the topic as evidenced by the amount of preliminary research.16.6 to >14.8 ptsSatisfactoryReveals a restricted understanding of the proposed topic.14.8 to >13.0 ptsEmergingAdds little detail to describe the proposed topic13 to >0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDoes not identify the proposed topic.20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization20 to >18.4 ptsDistinguishedWell-developed slides. Sequencing enhances ideas and meaning. Ideas focused on central theme. Introduction, overview, and conclusion are well developed and integrated with each other in an interesting manner.18.4 to >16.6 ptsProficientSmooth transitions between slides with adequate structure and sequencing of ideas. Introduction, overview, and conclusion are adequately developed.16.6 to >14.8 ptsSatisfactoryTransition between most slides with limited paragraph structure.

The sequence is not logical. Contains a basic introduction, main section, and conclusion.14.8 to >13.0 ptsEmergingSome transition with poor slide structure and some evidence of planning.13 to >0 ptsUnsatisfactoryNo transition between slides, ideas not in logical order. No structure to slides.20 pts