Topic and Outline

Topic and Outline

Research Topic and Outline

The final project for this course is a Research Paper. The first two assignments will help you find the tools needed to prepare and gradually build your final research paper. The research paper for this course will be argumentative. The argumentative research paper requires you to take a position on an issue and support the position with persuasive facts and statements.
First, select a Research Paper TOPIC that can be assessed using health care economics principles.
Please choose from the following topics the issue you are going to discuss.

A history of Medicare cost containment policies
Not-for-profit versus for profit
State children health insurance programs
Medicare prospective payment program
Medicare and Medicate dual eligibility
Health maintenance organizations
Long-term health care insurance
The managed care backlash
Impact of obesity on healthcare costs
Impact of diabetes on healthcare costs
Impact of smoking on healthcare costs
Nursing shortages
Cost of Pharmaceuticals
Second, provide your research paper with the following OUTLINE (Your final paper assignment should include a detail explanation of this outline):
a. Introduction -Your introduction should give a brief overview of the topic you are going to discuss. The last sentence of your introduction section should be your thesis statement. Your thesis statement should start with – The purpose of this paper is to…..