the PMHNP approach termination

the PMHNP approach termination

The PMHNP is caring for a young adult patient with whom the PMHNP decides to use a dynamic supportive therapy approach in addition to pharmacological intervention. Which therapeutic action will the PMHNP take to employ the strategy of holding and containing the patient?

The PMHNP is caring for an adult male patient whose wife left him several months ago. He recently learned that his ex-wife is dating someone much younger. The man feels belittled, sad, and lonely. He talks about trying to meet other women, but says, “I can’t compete with the younger guys these days, with the cool clothes and the vegan diets. I’m bald and overweight, and what woman is going to want to be with me?” How does the PMHNP help raise the man’s self-esteem?

A 43-year-old single mother is seeing the PMHNP at the request of her sister. “My sister thinks I need to come here to talk about my feelings,” the patient reports. The PMHNP learns that the patient has three children from three different men, but is unable to collect appropriate child support payments from any of the biological fathers. Additionally, the woman is barely able to afford her apartment or utilities payments. What is the appropriate response from the PMHNP when using the psychodynamic psychotherapy technique?

The PMHNP has been providing interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) for a patient who the PMHNP observes implementing new ways of being, such as interacting more with peers and being less isolated in social scenarios. The PMHNP understands that the patient is approaching termination. How does the PMHNP address termination with this patient?

A PMHNP has been treating a 14-year-old patient using interpersonal psychotherapy. The patient has been depressed since the death of his grandmother. To help the patient recover, the PMHNP has told the parents:

In the planning phase of change, a 42-year-old male client who struggles with gambling discusses how he plans to abstain from gambling. He tells the PMHNP, “I am no longer going to carry cash to the casino because you can’t spend what you don’t have.” The PMHNP uses an affirming communication skill when she states:

The PMHNP is assessing a patient who has been receiving months of outpatient psychotherapy. According to the PMHNP’s assessment, the patient is nearing the termination phase of their therapeutic relationship because the patient’s symptoms have improved, and the patient shows progress managing behaviors and decision-making abilities according to the diagnosis. How does the PMHNP approach termination with this patient?

The PMHNP is caring for a patient who is histrionic. Using the supportive psychodynamic therapy model, what is the best statement made by the PMHNP?