the most valuable

the most valuable

Qualitative research is the most valuable to the nursing profession. Qualitative research answers important questions that then avail oneself to utilize many different methods to investigate such as grounded theory, phenomenology, and ethnography.  Quantitative data is typically established by populations in a specific area therefore it can not be or is not meant to be compared and archived to qualitative data. Wendy Miller states ” Qualitative finding are not generalized in the  prevalent sense of the word—they do not provide laws or relationships that can be taken from a single sample and applied to entire populations. Rather, they are generalizable in a way that is particularly pertinent to nursing practice, in which there is an expectation that scientific findings, and nursing care itself, be tailored to unique individuals in their distinct contexts ” (Miller). Thus qualitative data can be utilized in a broad sense and can be applied to more than a specific population.

Miller, W. R. (2010, September). Qualitative research findings as evidence: utility in nursing practice. Retrieved March 24, 2020, from