the hybrid environment.

the hybrid environment.

Screencast Title:

Intravenous needle catheter selection and IV therapy guidelines


(on-site, online, or hybrid)

This lesson is intended for the hybrid environment. Student nurses and novice nurses will watch this screencast before engaging in on-site intravenous (IV) needle selection for IV starts

Screencast Goal:

This screencast will increase the awareness on the importance of IV catheter size selection depending on the intended use and/or patient population and IV therapy guidelines.

Description of Screencast lesson:

This screen cast is directed toward nursing students and novice nurses. The different sizes of IV catheters based on color and the supplies needed will be reviewed. The participants will participate by watching a short video immediately after screencast on IV catheters and therapy guidelines, answer 10 questions at the end of the lesson, print certificate of completion and bring certificate to skill lab for competency checkoff.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lesson students and nurses will be able to

Identify the different sizes of IV catheters based on color
Verbalize uses for different catheter sizes
Identify supplies needed for IV starts
Document appropriately
Demonstrate at least 80% competency on post test on IV catheter sizes, usage, and therapy guidelines
Demonstrate an IV start in an on-site skills lab


1. Match the gauge IV catheter with the appropriate color

_____24-gauge pink

_____22-gauge yellow

_____20-gauge blue

_____18-Gauge green

2. What two gauges of IV catheters are commonly used during

for rapid fluid administration?

24 gauge and 22 gauge
18 gauge and 20 gauge
20 gauge and 24 gauge
22 gauge and 20 gauge
3. Select the appropriate list of supplies found in an IV start Kit.

A. extension set, tape, and 20-gauge catheter

B. Sterile dressing, tape, tourniquet, gauze pad, extension set, and

chlorhexidine swab

C. extension set, chlorhexidine swab, tape, and gauze pad

D. tourniquet, sterile dressing, and extension set

Identify at Least One in Each Area

Pre-Licensure QSEN Competencies

Integrated Processes

Clinical Relationships

1. Patient-centered care

2. Teamwork and collaboration

3. Evidence-based practice (EBP)

4. Quality Improvement (QI)

5. Safety

6. Informatics

1. Nursing process

2. Caring

3. Communication and documentation

4. Teaching/ Learning

1. Varied sources of data

2. Similar options

3. Prioritization

4. Teaching

5. Notes: ­­­­­­­­­­­­ ______________




It is important to understand the evidence behind the appropriate size selection of IV catheters to decrease the number of IV infiltrations.

When initiating an IV therapy nursing staff must asses the patient appropriately, the intended use of the IV, select the appropriate size of the IV catheter, and document appropriately.

Nursing staff must prioritize care to include assessing the IV site or sites for redness and/or swelling


Actions on Screen


Power Point: Title Screen

Introduction of the Lesson on IV catheter selection and therapy guidelines

Power Point: Question

Why is it important to select the appropriate size IV catheter?

Give rationale
Power Point: Learning Objectives

State learning objectives

Power Point: Different IV Catheter Sizes

Show pictures of the different catheters

Power Point: Starting an IV

Power Point: Documenting

Identify supplies needed to start an IV

What to document after starting an IV

Power Point: Final thoughts on IV catheter selection and IV supplies

Explain the main point of the lesson

Power Point: Points to Remember

Have students to watch the video on starting an IV
Remind students to print certificate of completion and sign up for skill lab checkoff
Evaluate and Revise

If I were to recreate my Screencast, I would:

First, I would make sure that the slides correspond with the lesson as it is discussed. I would include a slide for the 14-gauge catheter, 16- gauge catheter, and the supplies inside the IV start kit. The slide for the IV catheters would include the front of the packaging along with the backside of the packaging. The time of the screencast would not exceed five minutes.