The C.R.A.A.P. Test Worksheet

The C.R.A.A.P. Test Worksheet

The C.R.A.A.P. Test Worksheet

The following questions will help you determine whether or not your source is reliable. Answer each of the questions for each category below. Once you’ve answered each question in a category, assign the category a numerical score between 1 and 10, with 1 meaning the source does not meet the criteria of the category at all and 10 meaning the source meets the criteria of the category excellently. Then, add up the scores to determine whether the source passes the (C.R.A.A.P.) test!

Source Title:

Category 1: Currency Category 1 Score:

· When was the information published?

· Has the information been revised or updated since?

· Is the information current or out-of-date?

Category 2: Relevance Category 2 Score:

· Does the information relate to your project?

· Have you looked at a variety other sources? Do other sources meet your needs more effectively?

· Who is the intended audience of the source?

Category 3: Authority Category 3 Score:

· Who is the author?

· What are the author’s credentials or organizational affiliations?

· What are the author’s qualifications to write on the topic?

Category 4: Accuracy Category 4 Score:

· Is the information supported by evidence?

· Has the information been reviewed or referred?

· Does the language or tone seem biased or objective?

Category 5: Purpose Category 5 Score:

· What is the author’s purpose? To inform? Persuade? Entertain?

· Is the information fact or opinion?

· Does the point of view seem to be objective or biased?

Understanding your score:

Below 30: Unacceptable

30-34: Questionable

35-39: Average

40-44: Good

45-50: Excellent