the breech position

the breech position

Mary’s 1st baby was delivered via c/section due to the baby being in the breech position. She is requesting a VBAC (vaginal birth after c/section) for this her second baby. By ultrasound this baby is in the vertex position. In reviewing the postoperative report from her first surgery – it is noted that she had a low transverse uterine incision.

What are your thoughts on having a vaginal birth with this second baby?

What education can you provide to her?

What is the risk to her and does this change your thoughts and advise?

Mary’s 1st baby was delivered via c/section due to the baby being in the breech position. She is requesting a VBAC (vaginal birth after c/section) for this her second baby. By ultrasound this baby is in the vertex position. In reviewing the postoperative report from her first surgery – it is noted that she had a low transverse uterine incision.

What are your thoughts on having a vaginal birth with this second baby?

What education can you provide to her?

What is the risk to her and does this change your thoughts and advise?