the American Nurses Association

the American Nurses Association

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1. Conflicts in the workplace are most often caused by a lack of leadership on the part of the administrators. When we have a group of workers sharing common tasks, the probability that there are differences in the way they are performed is great. It is of utmost importance to create a positive atmosphere in group tasks and consider the opinions of all those who are related to the task. This conflict management is the task of the administrator and her duty to resolve it in the shortest possible time without affecting performance. This management must be carried out fairly and always trying to contribute to the achievement of the proposed objective.The use of problem solving is a highly effective measure for these crisis cases. There are many situations in which they must be used and must be well elaborated to avoid errors in them. An example of this situation could be when one of the nurse’s approaches and covers her problem with the administrator to find a feasible solution. This example is between two nurses who had an allegation due to the assignment and one of them went to speak to the administrator to resolve the conflict in a fairer way. The main thing is to understand the cause of the problem, get enough information from both parties and bring a fair solution for both. This situation requires the intervention and analysis of the nursing manager for its solution.Negotiations are another technique that can be used to solve problems. One of the examples that I would like to represent is the case of the working group with the same objective. As we all know, nursing works together with other groups that intervene in the care of the patient and often the conflicts between them can be resolved through negotiations. The example I have is the typical relationship between the certified nurse and the registered nurse. When these two parties disagree with the workload and one is more affected than the other, negotiation can be used, where the tasks of each are negotiated, taking into account the scope of practice of each to alleviate to the affected party in this case. When negotiations are fair and honest, the problem can be easily solved without much intervention. Always bearing in mind that the faster they resolve the better the results of both interventions. (Wolff, 2016)

2. As we have seen in the bibliography above, negotiation methods are amazingly effective in the workplace when carried out properly. Negotiation is mostly used to reach an agreement between the parties where one of them tends to give in when the correct rational situation is provided. The initial position of the person in the conflict tends to vary and if the negotiation is effective, an agreement can be reached. There are two types of negotiation: the formal and the informal. This formal negotiation is based on a well-structured negotiation and with the steps well defined previously, in other words; it is a negotiation with preparation, discussion and clarification. The other informal negotiation, however, is based on resolving the conflict outside the workplace, where negotiation is called without prior preparation and with persuasion and dialogue, most of these informal negotiations take place outside the workplace, parties, brunch even on the break. (Tomori, 2016)

3. During my research on the American Nurses Association we