The abbreviation “IV”

The abbreviation “IV”

Module 04 Course Project: Laboratory and Diagnostic Test Results
Each question is associated with the test results provided. Refer to these when answering each question. Please type your answer in the “Click here to enter text” space.

Patient A – Steve Nguyen

In the Imaging Orders section of this chart, an echocardiogram was ordered. What are the three word parts (and their meanings) that make up this term?
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The abbreviation “IV” appears twice in the Imaging Orders section of this chart. What does IV stand for in this context?
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In Steve’s lab results, both HDL and LDL were tested. What do these abbreviations stand for?
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Steve’s lab results show that his blood lipid levels are high. What is the medical term for this condition?
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Compare Steve’s blood glucose levels to the standard range. Does he have hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia? Define both terms.
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Steve’s angiography results use two abbreviations in the Clinical History section. List and define these two terms. (Use the most common abbreviation for both)
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In the procedure section of the angiography results, contrast was delivered to the patient intravenously. Define “intravenous” and identify which part of the body was punctured.
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The impression section of the imaging report identifies stenosis in which vessel?
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The impression section of the imaging report notes that the right coronary artery is free of _______ plaques. (Identify and define this term.)
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Patient B – Brenda Jastik

The first symptom listed under Brenda’s chief complaint is a 3-letter abbreviation. Identify this abbreviation and its meaning.
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Two lab tests are ordered on this office visit. The first test listed contains a 3-letter abbreviation. What does this stand for?
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The abbreviation “px” is used in Brenda’s chief complaint. What does this mean and what is another medical term that means “chest px” associated with a heart condition?
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Brenda’s lab results include many abbreviations. Which of these abbreviations could also be referred to as “leukocyte”?
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In what section of the imaging report is the word “malaise” found and what is its definition?
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The imaging report notes that Brenda’s symptoms were unresponsive to “antibiotic tx.” What 3 word parts are found in the term “antibiotic” and what does each mean?
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The imaging report notes that Brenda’s symptoms were unresponsive to “antibiotic tx.” What does “tx” mean in this context?
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An opacity with an air bronchogram is found in Brenda’s right lung. Define bronchogram.
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The Findings section of the imaging report shows that there are no abnormalities in the “bony thorax.” In your own words, define the term “thorax.”
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What is the likely diagnosis given in the Impression section of Brenda’s imaging report? Briefly describe this diagnosis.
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When referring to a radiograph (X-rays), what does the word “opacity” mean and what does it refer to with a radiograph (X-ray)?
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You will also likely need to use other course materials or resources to answer all of this assignment’s questions. If you used other references, cite them here:

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*If you are unfamiliar with APA citation, please see the Rasmussen College APA Guide: Select “References” on the left-hand panel and choose the type of reference you used.

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