serious contemplation

serious contemplation







Content and understanding of readings and supportive materials.

25 points

Shows serious contemplation and thorough understanding of readings and supportive materials. Includes comprehensive, appropriate and specific information with in-text citations from readings to support all ideas discussed.

22.5 points

Shows a good understanding of all readings and supportive material. Includes appropriate specific information with in-text citations from readings to support some of ideas discussed.

20 points

Shows a basic understanding of readings and supportive material. Includes only a general summary of information with in-text citations from readings to support ideas discussed.

17.5 points

Shows a minimal understanding of some or all of the readings and supportive materials. Includes no appropriate information from readings and materials to support ideas discussed.

0 points

Shows no understanding of the readings and supportive materials and/or includes no information from any resources to support ideas discussed.


Posting not submitted or submitted more than 72 hours past due date and time.

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Quality of posting

15 points

Posting is relevant to question or topic posed, is substantive and all factual information is correct. Shows insight thoughtfulness and relevance to course content. Strong support from appropriate resources which are cited in text.

13.35 points

Posting is relevant to question or topic posed and all factual information is correct, but the discussion is not substantive and/or the quality of sources to support posting are weak.

12 points

Posting is generally accurate and related to discussion topic, but is dominated by opinions and/or literature support is not from reliable sources.

10.5 points

Posting is only slightly related to discussion topic, and/or may contain gross factual errors and/or there are no references used.

0 points

Posting is not related to topic and contains no correct or factual information.


Posting not submitted or submitted more than 72 hours past due date and time.

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Includes questions to extend discussion

5 points

Includes 2 thought provoking questions to be answered by peers.

4.5 points

Includes 2 questions for peers but only 1 is thought provoking.

4 points

Includes only 1 thought provoking question to be answered by peers.

3.5 points

Includes 1 question to be answered by peers but the question is not thought provoking.