Sample Selection and Application

Sample Selection and Application

Activity 4
Sample Selection and Application
You will enter Sentinel City® via the link to begin your virtual experience by taking a bus tour of Sentinel City®.

Sentinel City® is a city just like your neighborhood. People live there from culturally diverse backgrounds. They vary in age, gender, and income level. Nurse researchers are unable to study the entire world so they choose “groups” or populations to study that actually mirror the population of interest. Your role is to experience the city and identify the “neighborhood” or sample that would provide the best place to study:

South East Asians
Once you have identified the neighborhoods, complete an analysis of any evidence-based practice intervention that applies to one population of your choice and describe how you would implement this in the Sentinel City® neighborhood. Remember, use resources that are interprofessional, evidence-based and focus on improving health outcomes.

Helpful tips:

Don’t forget to view the Sentinel City navigation tips. After choosing an avatar you may be able to teleport to the various areas by utilizing the interactive map.

How do I find out about the people who live in each neighborhood? How do I find out who lives here? How do I find the city population?
As you ride through the city you will be able to access the population statistics for each neighborhood. It will open on the left. You may pause the bus to view. You may also teleport to an area and choose the information icon.