s, LGBT notwithstanding.

s, LGBT notwithstanding.

Involvement in campaign groups; Many of these LGBT individuals face discrimination due to current policies in place. Nurses can join in their campaign and together fight for their rights. Sometimes, demonstrations are the only voice that the government hears and responds to.

Volunteer to engage in conferences or activities related to strategy. Prepare a fact sheet and help prepare a document to educate policymakers. Inform stakeholders regarding events that provide incentives for policymakers to tackle.

Conclusively, there is a need for changes to be effected on policies relating to LGBT rights to ensure they feel safe in society. As such, nurses should politically intervene with members of LGBT. They have the potential to have a profound global impact on politics. Nevertheless, it is nurses ‘ ethical and professional duty to intervene in policies they deem to be affecting their patients, LGBT notwithstanding.

Peer 2

Health policies impact health care and the nursing profession. The involvement of nurses in the development of health policy guarantees the provision of safe, accessible, high-quality and affordable care (Shariff, 2014). Nurses also have a role in patient advocacy. To this effect, they need to routinely consider the health needs of the LGBTQ community to eliminate any disparities in care and to improve the overall health of the general public.