Responding to two classmates

Responding to two classmates

Responding to two classmates

1) My signature assignment topic that I have chosen is how computer hackers are able to hack into computers that healthcare professionals use to diagnose and treat patients daily. I am not sure what my title will be yet I am still working on it and thinking about it. I chose  this topic because I think this very important and when I first learned about this it was pretty disturbing to me. To think that someone would interfere with possible treatment by manipulating a computer system is somewhat scary to think about.  Everyday in healthcare, computers are used to make decisions, store patients personally information, determine results and outcomes and the list is endless. So the use of the computer and computer systems are largely used in health care regardless of what kind of healthcare setting it is.   I usually choose google scholar to look up resources. So far I have not had any trouble finding articles that are related to my signature assignment.   I will say that a lot of the articles are not related to healthcare. So its just a matter of finding a relevant article that fits my assignment. A article that has enough information for me to use and to quote from.  There are many other websites that offer peer reviewed sources. To name a few of them are DOAJ, PubMed, Scienceopen, and Academic search. Every since I started with Aspen University I have used google scholar.  One article stated that “beginning in 2016, healthcare organizations in the United States have been targeted for malware attacks, a specific type of cyberattack.” (Branch, Eller, Bias, McCawley, Meyers, 2018).  Another article stated that the United States is not prepared to deal with an attack of this kind. I am hoping that the United States and any other country have expanded their technology in finding ways tp combat this problem of computer hackers.


I am having more of a problem narrowing down my choices for sources actually more than anything. My topic is Electronic Health Records (EHRs), which is a very broad topic as EHRs encompasses many fields such as medical charting, medication administration, medical records, imaging test, real time lab test results, and Doctor’s notes. Researching and finding articles that give me the information I am looking for has always been one of my weaker points and is what consumes most of my time when it comes to writing. So far in my research process, the wording in the articles is not so difficult to comprehend compared to the textbook. The textbook for me is hard to understand and comprehend for some reason and requires me to read most sections multiple times before understanding. However, once I comprehend the information in the textbook, I find it very helpful and is usually my main source of information. I have been using the databases provided by Aspen University and Google Scholar.