relationship is usually developed.

relationship is usually developed.

What went well?

The new employees got hands on experience during orientation, which included, real-time charting, on point questions, and engaging with clients. They also had the opportunity to navigate through the portable computer system before diving into the field alone. Another good outcome was the employees were able to get to know one another during this time and a mentor relationship is usually developed.

What didn’t go well?

Some existing employees thought the change model was a way to ‘spy’ on them or track their amount of time spent in the home. There was a lot of resistance from employees or many of them declined to participate in the new orientation/training process.

What would you have done differently if you had been in a leadership position?

I would have explained the need for the change model in the first place. The educator introduced the change model but did not explain its need or rationale thoroughly. I also would have included high positional workers into the conversation and implementation so other employees knew this was important and required for compliance.