refusal of medical treatments.

refusal of medical treatments.

What are your thoughts??

The most interesting viewpoint I felt of the readings was the subject of Ethics. The most fascinating section of this reading for me was regarding the refusal of medical treatments. Medical treatments may be refused due to religious or personal beliefs and cultures or because the patient believes the treatment may be a burden on their life (Meilaender, 2013). The book definition of ethics is that it is an “understanding of concepts of right and wrong, principles of moral behavior and the intentions and actions of moral agents (Bogue & Hogan, 2020). Everyone has their own understanding of ethics which is why there are ethical boards in the hospital for those “ethics” cases.. Ethics is an important topic and is definitely every nurse encounters in their career. . Ethics are important and every nurse or healthcare professional hopefully is aware of what they feel is right and wrong so they are able to respectfully care for all patients in the safest and best way.