Ordinal and Binomial variables

Ordinal and Binomial variables

The variables that are being used are Ordinal and Binomial variables. The ordinal variables are introduced the survey portion of the research when asked the participants to answer the ranked question 1 through 5. 1= strongly disagree and 5= strongly agree. We touch base on the binomial variables by asking yes or no questions and asking simple questions like male or female where there are only two responses.


In this research study the tools that were used, was an iPad, and a program called survey monkey. Throughout the process of creating the questions for the survey, other sources such as surveys that are currently being used by the Center of Disease Control (CDC) and other organizations like the MayoClinic. In the survey, to answer the questions, the answer choices are set up for example:


We will keep our participants safe by keeping the information they give us anonymous and confidential. There will be a consent given to them if they agree to participate in the study. The data will be collected through a survey and the consent form will be given at the beginning of the survey. We will go around the campus asking participants if they are willing to take a survey that is based on the research question we have provided. The survey will consist of 10-15 questions and they will be on a scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree also some yes or no questions are asked. The survey will be distributed randomly throughout the student body on Queen’s campus so no one is singled out. The data will be stored on an excel spreadsheet and once all the data has been collected and once the experiment is over all the participants data with be deleted.

Data Analysis

In order to get the information needed for the survey, each member asked specific individuals to take the survey. Prior to taking the survey, a consent form was presented in regards to protecting an individual’s mental health. Participants in this study, completed the survey on an iPad using a survey program called survey monkey. The broad category of statistics that was used was descriptive, with the use of a t-test.


Implementation of data collection method, there is a great chance that the nature of implementation of data collection method is flawed. Correlational research may also have limitations with respect to the generality of the findings. Perhaps the study involved a specific group of people, or the relation between the variables were only investigated in some situations. Thus, it may be uncertain whether the correlational findings may generalize to other people or situations.

Time Frame
