of Sampling and Reliability

of Sampling and Reliability

Week 6 – Module Topic inclusive of Sampling and Reliability

One valuable component of research includes data collection and the validity of your research information. Research is a serious initiative, think about what if your data, methodology or eventual outcome methods are not quite up to standard. Your sample sizes were not correct; your information was affected; you could disseminate the wrong information, thus affecting populations at large. We have an ethical responsibility to do the right thing for our perspective communities as well as our healthcare professionals. For those who choose to continue their studies at the doctoral level, research, it is methodology, its application to practice (for DNP candidates) and the generation of new knowledge (for Ph.D. candidates), will quickly discover the importance of mastering these skills or having access to available resources.

Chapter 8: Sampling

Let us explore the various types of sampling that will be involved in this module. Sampling is the process of selecting units (e.g., people, organizations) from a population of interest so that by studying the sample, we may somewhat generalize our results back to the population from which they were chosen. Please review chapter 8 in your Tappen class text.

Video: Sampling… What is sampling?

Article: Sampling in Research


So how does one begin?

Population identification
Obtain a sampling frame
Look at a sampling frame specify (this can be done randomly or non-randomly)
Determine the sample size
Methods of sampling from a population

Simple random sampling. In this case, everyone is chosen entirely by chance, and each member of the population has an equal chance, or probability, of being selected. Please become familiar with the following concepts.

Systematic sampling.
Stratified sampling.
Clustered sampling.
Convenience sampling.
Quota sampling.
Judgment (or Purposive) Sampling.
Snowball sampling.