Nutrition and Health Promotion

Nutrition and Health Promotion

The written part of your discussion post should include:

A brief explanation, three to four sentences, of your visual submission.
Using statistical data, your home state’s data related to obesity and how your state fairs compared to national statistics.
The type of health disparities you see in your own community related to obesity.
Remember to provide at least three scholarly references to support your statements and provide validity to your work.

Learning Materials
Pender, N., Murdaugh, C., Parsons, M., (2015). Health Promotion and Nursing Practice (7th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education:

Chapter 7: Nutrition and Health Promotion
Chapter 14: Promoting Health through Social and Environmental Change (review the chapter but focus on pp. 302–303)

Statistics – USA
CDC – Obesity Prevalence Maps by State
Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity
Statistics – States
The State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America 2019 (PDF)
The State of Childhood Obesity – data compiled by state

How An Obese Town Lost a Million Pounds? (15:12 minutes)
Oklahoma City is a midsized town that had a big problem: It was among the most obese towns in America. Mayor Mick Cornett realized that, to make his city a great place to work and live, it had to become healthier too. In this charming talk, he walks us through the interlocking changes that helped OKC drop a collective million pounds (450,000 kilos).

How An Obese Town Lost a Million Pounds? video Transcript