Health Leadership & Systems Thinking

Health Leadership & Systems Thinking

Health Leadership & Systems Thinking

Week 11

Leadership Model

Health care administration problems are generally complex as many involve a series of causes that may directly impact an organization and community. As a result, special challenges await health care administration leaders, and they must be ready to address such challenges with efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, a developed personal health care administration leadership theory may assist leaders with a framework that highlights leadership perspectives for use in the field.

· This week, you finalize your personal Health Care Administration Leadership Theory. With a blended understanding of various leadership perspectives examined in this course, your development of a leadership theory with attention to present gaps in the literature may provide a necessary framework for future best practices in the field.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Apply leadership concepts and perspectives to health care administration issues and research

· Apply leadership perspectives to the development of a personal Health Care Administration Leadership Theory

· Apply research methods to the design of an evaluation plan

Learning Resources

Required Readings

· Nahavandi, A. (2015). The art and science of leadership (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Chapter 1, “Definition and Significance of Leadership” (pp. 2–21)

Chapter 6, “Current Era in Leadership” (pp. 178–201)

Chapter 7, “Other Leadership Perspectives” (pp. 211–236)

Chapter 9, “Leading Change” (pp. 278–300)

Chapter 10, “Developing Leaders” (pp. 310–332)

· Anderson, M. M., & Garman, A. N. (2014). Leadership development in healthcare systems: Toward an evidence-based approach. Retrieved from

Used with permission from the National Center for Healthcare Leadership, 1700 W. Van Buren, Suite 126B, Chicago, IL, 60612, USA. Phone: 312-563-6630; FAX: 312-563-6631. Anderson, M.; Garman, A., & National Center for Healthcare Leadership. (2014). Leadership Development in Healthcare Systems: Toward an Evidence-based Approach. Retrieved from

· Avolio, B. J., Walumbwa, F. O., & Weber, T. J. (2009). Leadership: Current theories, research, and future directions. Annual Review of Psychology, 60(1), 421–449.

· Best, A., & Holmes, B. (2010). Systems thinking, knowledge and action: Towards better models and methods. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate & Practice, 6(2), 145-159.

· Document: Scholar-Practitioner Project Overview (PDF)

Document: Doctoral Study Template (PDF). Note: You will use this template the scholar –Practitioner Project.

The Assignment Part

Final Exam: Scholar-Practitioner Overview (PDF)

Scholar-Practitioner Project: Health Care Administration Leadership Theory

For your final written Assignment, you refine and develop your Health Care Administration Leadership Theory based on insights gained in this course about leadership theories and a systems thinking approach. For this Assignment, your theory should reflect Instructor feedback, researched studies, introspection, innovation, and literature analysis.

The Assignment (15–20 pages):

Section 1: Abstract and Introduction (1–2 pages)

Section 2: Revised Literature Review and Problem Statement (5–7 pages):

Literature Review to include:

· A synthesis of the literature of 15–20 peer reviewed, scholarly resources

· A description of theoretical gaps in the research

Problem Statement to include:

· An explanation of the specific problem that addresses identified gaps within the literature

· An explanation of how your problem statement incorporates implications for positive social change

Section 3: Personal Health Care Administration Leadership Theory (2–3 pages):

· An articulation of your personal Health Care Administration Leadership Theory

Section 4: Revised Visual Representation of Your Health Care Administration Leadership Theory (3–4 pages):

Your visual representation should include:

· Your personal Health Care Administration Leadership Theory to address the gaps identified in the literature

· A visual representation of the theory (e.g., table, graph, matrix)

· An explanation on how the theory addresses the literature gaps identified in Week 5

· A description of how your theory incorporates aspects of systems thinking

Section 5: Empirical Evaluation Plan for a Health Care Administration Leadership Theory (3–4 pages):

You will assess if the newly developed leadership theory addresses the problem you have been working on. What methodological steps will you use? How will you collect data? Suggestion: start with how theories in our text are evaluated. It does not have to be detailed, but it must include the methods, measures, and analytic techniques.

If the Assignments are done correctly, there should be an alignment from the topic of choice to the evaluation:

· The topic is researched in the literature. The literature review points out a theoretical gap that needs to be addressed by leadership.

· The gap is turned into a problem statement.

· A leadership theory to address the problem is proposed.

· The theory is depicted in a visual.

· An evaluation plan describes how the newly developed theory resolves the problem identified in the literature.

Section 6: Conclusion (1–2 pages)

Section 7: References:

An APA-formatted reference list of 15–20 peer-review By Day 7

Submit your Scholar-Practitioner Project.

Support your Project with specific references to all resources and the current literature used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

· Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK11Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.

· Click the Week 11 Project Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.

· Click the Week 11 Project link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.

· Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK11Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.

· If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.

Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 11 Project Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:

Submit your Week 11 Project draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Assignment:

Week 11 Project viewed, scholarly journals


Week 11: Scholar- Practitioner Project: Health Care Administration Leadership Theory.

Health care Administration Leadership Theory

The Assignment (15-20 pages):

Section 1-Abstract and Introduction (1-2 pages).

Section 2-Revised Literature Review & Problem Statement (5-7 pages)

1) Literature Review to include:

· A Synthesis of the Literature of 15-20 peer-reviewed, Scholarly resources.

· A description of theorical gaps in the research.

2) Problem Statement to Include:

· An explanation of the specific problem that addresses identified gaps within the Literature.

· An explanation of how your problem statement incorporates implications for positive social change.

Section3-4 Personal Health care Administration Leadership Theory (2-3pages):

· An articulation of your Personal Health care Administration leadership Theory.

Representation of your Health care Administration leadership Theory (3-4 pages)

Your Visual representation should include:

· Your personal health care Administration leadership Theory to address the gaps identified in the literature.

· A visual representation of the theory (e.g. table, Graph, Matrix).

· An explanation of how the theory addresses the literature gaps identified in week 5.

· A description of how your theory incorporates aspects of systems thinking.

Section 5-Emprical Evaluation Plan for a health care Administration Leadership Theory (3-4 pages).

Your empirical evaluation plan includes:

· A description of appropriate methods, measures, and possible analytical techniques for evaluating your recommendations using the learning Resources and current literature.

Section 6- Conclusion (1-2 pages)

Section 7- References:

· An APA- formatted references list of 15-20 peer-reviewed, Scholarly Journals.


Week 11: Doctoral Study Template (PDF). Note: You will use this template the Scholar-Practitioner Project.


Comment [EL]: When working with the template, be sure

have the formatting marks showing so that you can see

where the character spaces, paragraph returns, and

pages and sections breaks are. It is important when

typing in your own text that you do not delete or

copy over any of the breaks (page breaks or section

breaks) that are set up in the template. This is important because it affects the page numbering, which is set in the template per guideline. Removing template breaks will throw off the correct pagination.

In Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, or 2013, Click on the Home tab, then in the paragraph area, click on the show

Hide icon! In word 2003, click on the show [Hidden! On the standard toolbar.

Comment [E2]

Double space the title if it goes over one line.

MA/MS, [University, 20xx

Bs, [University], 20xx

Comment [3: This information is optional.

Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Health care Administration.

Walden University

[Last Month of Quarter you plan to Graduate] 20xx


Insert abstract here; it should be no more than one page. Abstract text must be doublespaced with no paragraph breaks. Describe the overall research problem being addressed

in the first couple of sentences and indicate why it is important (e.g., who would care if

the problem is solved). You can include a general introduction of the issue in the first

sentence, but you need to move to a clear statement of the research problem being

addressed. Identify the purpose of the study; state theoretical foundation; summarize the

key research question(s); and describe concisely the overall research design, methods and

data analytic procedures. Identify the key results and findings and recommendations that

capture the heart of the research for the final doctoral study; however do not include

results and conclusions in the proposal abstract. Conclude with a statement on the

application to professional practice and the implications for positive social change. Here

are some form and style tips for the abstract: (a) limit the abstract to one typed page; (b)

maintain the scholarly language used throughout the doctoral study; (c) keep the abstract

concise, accurate, and readable; (d) use correct English; (e) ensure each sentence adds

value to the reader’s understanding of the research; and (f) use the full name of any

abbreviation, and include the abbreviation in parentheses if you use it again in the

abstract. Do not include references or citations in the abstract. Per APA style, unless at

the start of a sentence, use numerals in the abstract, not written out numbers. For more

guidance on writing this paragraph, consult the abstract assistance materials available on

the Center for Research Quality website.