financing policies and plans

financing policies and plans

Cognizant of the challenges mentioned above, the 46 Ministers of Health from the African Region adopted and signed the Ouagadougou Declaration that proposes ways of addressing health system challenges. The Ouagadougou Declaration urges Member States to update their national health policies and plans according to the primary health care (PHC) approach; promote inter-sectorial collaboration and public-private partnership to address broad determinants of health; improve health workforce production and retention; set up mechanisms for increasing availability and accessibility of essential medicines, health technologies and infrastructure; strengthen health information systems; develop and implement strategic health financing policies and plans; promote health awareness and build behavioral change capacities among communities.


Efficient health interventions are available to help with the health care problems in Africa. Unfortunately, health systems are too weak to adequately and equitably deliver those interventions to people who need them. As nurses, we need to reach out to the health care teams and organizations in Africa to speak up for the population. Join International health organizations and write letters to the policymakers in countries in Africa. Let our voice be heard through international media to help curtail this problem. We need to make it a global problem and advocate for this population so they can have good health care and access to medical care by involving policymakers and legislators in their respective countries.



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