Expected Change Outcomes

Expected Change Outcomes

In this discussion we will talk about out expected change outcomes and implantation process outcomes. We will focus on our outcome’s management. “The principles supporting outcomes management (OM) ascribed by Ellwood included emphasizing practice standards that providers can use to select interventions, measuring patient functional status, well-being, and disease-specific clinical outcomes, pooling outcome data on a massive scale, analyzing and disseminating outcomes, in relation to the interventions used, to appropriate decision makers and stakeholders” (LoBiondo-Wood, Haber, 2014, pg. 225)

Expected Change Outcomes

Our expected outcome would be patients with COPD who practice relaxation techniques versus not using relaxation techniques would see an improvement in their dyspnea and anxiety in a years’ time. Our goal would to be better control our patient’s COPD and decrease exacerbations and dyspnea. Also, to decrease the scores on the patients PHQ-9 and GAD-7 questionnaires. In doing so we would have less re-admissions to hospitals and a better quality of life. Our measurable goal would to have a decrease in admission to the hospital for COPD exacerbations. This would be measured by looking at how many times a patient was admitted to the hospital in the previous year and try to decrease this number. Then we would compare it to how many times she was hospitalized after educating them on relaxation techniques to see if the number of admissions decreased