Ethics involving humans’

Ethics involving humans’

Research Ethics involving humans’ subjects

The first video is about Research Ethics involving humans’ subjects. I consider that the Nazi experiments and the Number trials did not meet with the principles of ethics in research. Research ethics is about norms, value, what is right and wrong, good and bad, and about what must be done or don’t in the context of research. As it is exposed in the video, Ethics of Research involving human subjects is dignity, safety and well being of the human subject. For me Belmont Report the 1979 is the most comprehensive, because it introduces three fundamentals principles, these are: Respect for the person, beneficence and non-malfeasance and justice.

The Belmont Report

The second video is about the Belmont Report. I consider it one of the leading works concerning ethics and health care research. As it is exposed in the video, the primary purpose is to protect subjects and participants in clinicals trials or research studies. As I mentioned in the first paragraph, the report covers the principles of justice, beneficence and no malfeasance, and justice. According [CITATION Jan18 \l 1033 ], The Belmont Report tell us that the assessment of the risks and benefits of a study presents an opportunity to gather comprehensive information about the proposed research. The investigator strives to design a study that will answer a meaningful question. A committee will determine whether risks inherent in participation are justified. Prospective subjects will make an assessment based on their understanding of risks and benefits, as to whether to participate in the study.

The Belmont Report: Applying the principles

The third video is about the application of the Belmont Report principles. With the application of these principles we are simultaneously providing better health care. The first principle, therespect for persons. according [ CITATION Jan18 \l 1033 ] is a basic principle of ethics, stating that individuals should be treated as autonomous, being who can make their own decisions. The persons who have limited autonomy should be protected. The second principle is the beneficence that means “do no harm”, according to the Belmont Report, persons are treated in an ethical manner not by respecting their decisions and protecting them from harm, but also by making efforts to secure their wellbeing. The third broad principle is Justice, according [ CITATION Jan18 \l 1033 ], is a basic principle of ethics that incorporates a participant’s right to fair treatment and fairness in distribution of benefit and burden.

Guiding Principles of Institutional Review Boards

The fourth video is about The Institutional Review Boards. I consider that were established to protect the rights and welfare of humans participating in research. The IRBs must receive enough information from researchers to provide a proper review of proposed research and to make the necessary decisions.


Houser, J. (2018). Nursing Research: Reading , Using and Creating Evidence. Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

South University Online. (2018). Course ID: NSG 3029 Foundations of Nursing Research FL 02: Week 1 Project Assignment. Retrieved from