Down syndrome is disorder

Down syndrome is disorder

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Question 1

To be culturally competent means to address a patient’s needs while observing specific cultural variations that are important to them and understanding how these affect their view of medical treatments (Purnell, 2013). As a culturally competent nurse it is important to take the patient’s culture into account while completing an assessment. It is crucial to assess their perception of the condition, how this is viewed in their culture and how said views can affect how they care for their child. Some cultures view certain conditions as punishment for example. The level of understanding from the parents also plays a major roll. The nurse must be aware of the educational level of the parents and how prepared they are to receive information and apply it when caring for their child.
A nurse’s understanding that Down syndrome is disorder that occurs during cell division, involving a complete or partial extra copy of chromosome 21 while in utero is important in alleviating some the stress experienced by the new parents wondering if this was caused by them or hereditary (Perkins, 2017). This can help them obtain accurate information on the condition, what to expect and development of the child in the future. The nurse can be a source of information for the parents
When faced with the adversity that your child has a health issue the first concern is how this will affect them, their development and the prognosis of this condition. As a parent I would be concerned about health implications, risks and precautions I need to have to care for my child.
Question 2