Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder





Volume 1, Case #13: The 8-year-old girl who was naughty

The client is an 8-year-old girl who has been brought to her primary care provider (PCP) by her mother with complaints of fever and sore throat. She attends public school where her teacher has reported the client is disobedient, and fights with other children by getting into verbal altercations with other girls. Her mother reports that she is still angry and resentful of her little sister, who was born six years ago. She has little contact with her father, who lives in a city nearby. At the end of the appointment, her mother is given both the parent and teacher version on the Conners Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) rating scale and is to bring them with to the follow-up appointment.

Additional Questions

My first question would be: How do you feel about your mother? Father? Sister? Parent’s ADHD symptoms can negatively affect parenting, family relationships, and the entire environment of the house (Gray, 2020). Since the client’s mother has undiagnosed and untreated ADHD and often reports disorganization and feeling overwhelmed, these could easily translate to feelings of anger or frustration for the client, and hence defiant, argumentative behavior at home.

My second question would be: Are you struggling with any subjects in school? What are they? Do you ask for help? Children with ADHD have a slower response time and require more time to respond to stimuli (Wells, Day, Harmon, Groves, & Kofler, 2019). This could lead to feelings of frustration and anger, especially if there are subjects that the client is already struggling with understanding. These emotions could translate into negative behaviors both at school and at home. If the client is struggling with some subjects, she could also be getting bullied, which could also lead to feelings of anger. This could be especially true if she has told her teacher or mother and she feels nothing has been done to resolve the problem.