compliant with her medications

compliant with her medications

The client in this scenario is a 68-year-old African American female who has some significant cardiovascular issues, as evidenced by her reported medications, and is reported not to be compliant with her medications. The purpose of this assignment is to identify cultural factors that relate to this client based on the provided information. In this assignment, I will identify factors of socioeconomic status, spirituality, lifestyle, and what would be a sensitive topic for this client.

As a psychiatric nurse practitioner understanding a client’s cultural background is required to develop an understanding of a client’s belief system and attitudes towards healthcare (Ball, Dains, Flynn, Solomon, & Stewart, 2019). I believe the essential concept of this assignment is to recognize that there is a significant difference in physical appearance and cultural background (Ball et al., 2019). As this assignment does not include the socioeconomic, spiritual, and lifestyle information other than this client is a black female, lives alone, and she is 68-years-old, am I to make assumptions based on this client’s skin color, age, and sex? While certain cultural aspects of this client’s perceived cultural background may be statistically probable, assuming this client’s cultural background would be to stereotype her. As a healthcare professional, I should view each client as an individual and not as a statistical probability (Ball et al., 2019). While I do not believe that this client’s skin color, age, and sex should be used to make assumptions about her culture, these factors could have an impact on the probability of this client developing medical conditions.


The frequency of elderly individuals living alone is growing, particularly amongst females. This trend is particularly true for those 65 years of age and older (Refer & Requena, 2018). The rising trend of women living alone is related to the death of their spouses and the divorce rate (Refer & Requena, 2018). The Percentage of men and women aged 65 + living alone is approximately 40% of females and 22% of males (Refer & Requena, 2018). The socioeconomic status of these women is much dependent on the amount of money they were able to save, pension plans, and public assistance programs (Refer & Requena, 2018). Many of the elderly are not financially capable of seeking medical attention or have the ability to pay for their medications or refill their medications. Some elderly are forced to cut their medications in half, so their medications last longer or may not have the financial capability to purchase more medications when they run out of their medications. The client, in this scenario, may have extra medications and missing others due to the lack of resources to purchase more medications.