changing environment

changing environment

A culture has various characteristics involved. Some of the characteristics describe culture as learned, dynamic, shared, and integrated. Culture is learned and cannot be inherited as a biological aspect. Most of the learning that takes place in a culture is unconscious. Culture is learned from families, peers, learning institution, organizations, as well as from the media. Culture is a process that is learned through a method called enculturation (Mesoudi, 2016). Humans fulfil their biological needs based on the cultures they belong to. The way people fulfil them varies depending on the culture of the individual. In addition, culture is also characterised as dynamic. This means that the culture interacts and changes from time to time. A culture is in contact with other cultures, thus enabling borrowing and selling of ideas from one culture to the other. Cultures change and due to flexibility, they can adapt to the changing environment. Every culture has its own unique way that the members use to fulfil necessities such as nourishment, sleep, and sex.

The changing of the cultures also leads to the interrogation of cultures. During an integration of a culture, one aspect is changed, and it is likely that the aspect will change the entire culture, thus adapting to the changing environments. The integration of cultures is identified as holism, as several fragments of a culture are being connected. The integration explains how the aspects of cultures are interconnected and for one to understand the culture, he or she must learn about all of its parts. Also, culture is shared amidst the members of the cultural group. The members of the cultural groups can act in a socially appropriate way and they can also be able to predict how others will act (Buskell, 2017). However, having the shared nature of culture is not considered homogenous. There are several cultural domains that are in any given civilization.

I need to make an answer based on this essay on Transcultural Diversity and Health Care. Must be a minimum of 200 words. References supporting the answer should be included.