bacteria and archaea.

bacteria and archaea.

please read below.

please respond to two other students with the following information:

1. You verify that their website exists, it is not a .com or .net website and that their information is correct according to that website. Make a post letting us know that you have done this and you verify that student’s information.

2. Then, you must research a different website with similar information to confirm or deny the first referenced website’s information. If you find contradictory information, please say what that information is. If it confirms the information, make an addition to the original information.

Classmate’s answer A

Hello Class,

Today I’m going to be discussing Viruses. Viruses are a small infectious agent that bridge the gap between the living and the non-living. They are interesting because they cannot reproduce on their own, but rely on susceptible host cells to direct and produce more viruses. The genetic makeup of most Viruses contain DNA or RNA, and the simplest viruses contain enough RNA or DNA to encode four proteins, while the most complex viruses could encode anywhere between 100-200. Viruses can infect all types of life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea. Viruses spread in a wide variety of ways, including insects carrying the virus, airborne travel mainly through coughing or sneezing, and even sexual contact can lead to the transmission of viruses.

My reply to a friend discussion : I need 100 words and must write the site( where did i find it?)

Classmate’s answer B

Hi, today I am going to talk about Opportunistic infection. I found it interesting because I have never heard of this term before, but after reading this chapter, it makes sense that why having HIV/AIDS can be so deadly at later stage. Opportunistic infections (OIs) are infections that occur more often or are more severe in people with a weakened immune system than in people with healthy immune systems. People with weakened immune systems include people living with HIV or people receiving chemotherapy. HIV damages the immune system and a weakened immune system makes it a lot harder for the body to fight off HIV-related OIs. This is why HIV can be so dangerous. (외부 사이트로 연결합니다.)외부 사이트로 연결합니다.

My reply to a friend discussion : I need 100 words and must write the site( where did i find it?)