

In this assignment, students will pull together the change proposal project components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. At the conclusion of this project, the student will be able to apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.

Students will develop a 1,250-1,500 word paper that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:

In this assignment, students will pull together the change proposal project components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. At the conclusion of this project, the student will be able to apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.

Students will develop a 1,250-1,500 word paper that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:

Assignment 3

Assignment 3

Reading : Allen, James E., Nursing Home Administration: Chapter 1.5-1.6


Please review the contents of Learning Module # 3. Read Ch. 1.5 – 1.6. Answer the following questions. All responses are due by Sunday at midnight each week.

  1. What is a decision?
  2. What distinguishes the right decision from the wrong decision?
  3. What are the downsides of leadership by walking around?
  4. What is the actual power or authority of the administrator of a nursing facility?
  5. Why do healthcare organizations need to commit to excellence?
  6. What is the meaning of firm and measurable commitment to excellence?
  7. How can managers hardwire the strategic direction of organizational units?
  8. Describe several specific goals that can be nested under each of the five pillars (bottom-line results).
  9. What does the concept of pillar synergy refer to?