assessment findings

assessment findings

Final Project Part II will involve the construction of a proposal for a health promotion teaching tool that will be of value for the patient. This activity will allow you the opportunity to discuss health literacy best practices and how you would use them to educate, inform, and empower your patient with regard to their health risks and/or healthy behaviors. For this final project, you will propose a health promotion teaching tool based on your assessment findings.

This assessment will address your mastery with regard to the following course outcomes:

Interpret health assessment findings based on norms for healthy adults to inform patient health education strategies

Employ health literacy best practices for informing health promotion resources for diverse populations

Develop health education activities that utilize evidence-based practices for promoting patient safety and quality of care

For this final project, you will analyze your findings from the comprehensive head-to-toe patient assessment you completed with your patient volunteer in Module Six. You will also propose a health promotion teaching tool based on a health risk or healthy behavior of your choice that you identified during the comprehensive assessment. Note: You do not need to create the actual teaching tool, but rather write a proposal in which you will describe the tool and discuss your rationale behind the choices you make for its development based on your patient assessment.

Please answer following prompts below.

Analyze health risks uncovered during your assessment. In other words, what unhealthy behaviors the patient engages in or indicators of disease or illness did you discover? If you feel there were none, be sure to explain your rationale.