Appalachian case study

Appalachian case study

Complete the following:

  • African-American case study #2
  • Appalachian case study #1

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Mr. and Mrs. Evans are an African American couple who retired from the school
system last year. Both are 65 years of age a
nd reside on 20 acres of
land in a large rural
community approximately 5 miles from a Superfund site and 20 miles from two
chemical plants. Their household consists of
their two daughters, Anna, aged 40 years,
and Dorothy, aged 42 years; their grandc
hildren, aged 25, 20, 19, and 18; and their 2-
year-old great-grandson. Anna and Doro
thy and their children all attended the
Mr. Evans’s mother and three of his
nieces and nephews live next door. Mr.
Evans’s mother has brothers, sisters, ot
her sons and daughters, grandchildren, and
great-grandchildren who live ac
ross the road on 10 acres of land. Other immediate and
extended family live on the 80 acres adjacent
to Mr. Evans’s mother. All members of
the Evans family own the land on which they live.
Mrs. Evans has siblings and extended fa
mily living on 70 acres of land adjacent
to Mr. Evans’s family, who live across the road. Mr. and Mrs. Evans also have family
living in Chicago, Detroit, New York, Sa
n Francisco, and Houston. Once a year, the
families come together for a reunion. Every other month, local family members come
together for a social hour. The family believes in
strict discipline with
lots of love. It is
common to see adult members of the family
discipline the younger children, regardless
of who the parents are.

Mr. Evans has hypertension and diabetes
. Mrs. Evans has hypertension. Both
are on medication. Their daughter Dorothy is
bipolar and is on me
dication. Within the
last 5 years, Mr. Evans has had several re
latives diagnosed with lung cancer and colon
cancer. One of his maternal uncles died last
year from lung cancer. Mrs. Evans has
indicated on her driver’s licen
se that she is an organ donor.
Sources of income for Mr. and Mrs. Ev
ans are their pensions from the school
system and Social Security. Dorothy receives SSI because she is unable to work any
longer. Mr. Evans and his br
others must assume responsibility for their mother’s
medical bills and medication. Although she ha
s Medicare parts A and B, many of her
expenses are not covered.
Mr. and Mrs. Evans, all members of th
eir household, and al
l other extended
family in the community attend a large Bap
tist church in the city. Several family
members, including Mr. and Mrs. Evans, sing
in the choir, are members of the usher
board, teach Bible classes,
and do community ministry.
Study Questions
Describe the organizational st
ructure of this family and identify strengths and
limitations of this
family structure
Describe and give examples of what you be
lieve to be the family’s values about
3.  Discuss this family’s
views about child rearing.

4. Discuss the role that spirituality plays in this family.
Identify two religious or spiritual practices in which members of the Evans
family may engage for treating hypert
ension, diabetes, and mental illness.
Identify and discuss cultural
views that Dorothy and her parents may have about
mental illness and medication.
To what extent are members of the Evans fa
mily at risk for illnesses associated
with environmental hazards?
Susan has decided to become an organ donor. Describe how you think the Evans
family will respond to her decision.
9. Discuss views that African Ameri
cans have about advanced directives.
10. Name two dietary health risks for African Americans.