analysis of organization culture

analysis of organization culture

Organizational Culture and Climate Assessment

A thorough, evidence-based analysis of organization culture and climate begins with a thorough, evidence-based assessment. You will use this tool to assess the culture and climate of your institution. Take a tour of your organization. Complete each item with the seven categories of the assessment tool for the organization, not just your unit. There are no right or wrong answers and some will be as varied as the types and numbers of organizations represented by the class. Your answers should reflect the data you collect, not just what you think is the case. Therefore, if there are areas you are unsure about, make contact with the best resource you have at the organization to obtain the best evidence. Using this assessment tool assumes observations are being completed on “normal” days, not one consisting of extreme circumstances or situations. In other words, don’t choose a day to observe when a crisis is occurring. Upon completion of the tool, you will have the information needed to analyze the culture from various evidence points and to reflect on congruence between the climate and culture of your organization.

Remember to include the completed tool with your analysis paper.

Please remember this is an individual assignment. While you might happen to be taking this course at the same time as someone else that works with you at the same or nearby organization, this is not a group assignment. If you have any questions about completing the assignment, reach out to your instructor or course leader.

Organizational Culture and Climate Assessment Tool

(Adapted from Marquis, B., & Huston, C.J. (2017). Assessing the organizational culture, in Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application, 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolter-Kluwer, p. 307).

1. Physical Environment

a. What is the visual appeal of the environment

b. Is the environment guest friendly?

e.g. access to different locations within the facility, treatment areas clearly marked, waiting areas/lobbies are well furnished and welcoming, spaces large enough for groups (families, patients, and providers) to meet in privacy or quietness, dining facilities adequate for usage, etc.?

c. Sufficient space for colleagues, team, interdepartmental meetings?

d. Designated chapel or worship space?

e. Other observations of physical environment?

2. Environmental Safety

a. Hallways, passageways, elevators, stairwells clean, free from clutter, and well illuminated.

b. A safety committee exists and is actively engaged

c. Security services needed and provided?

d. Equipment maintained in good working order?

3. Social Environment

a. Organization-wide social events held periodically, especially around holidays or professional days?

b. Organization events well attended?

c. Interdepartmental socialization is positive?

d. Any departments preferred or disliked?

e. Evidence of colleague or employee socialization outside of work?

f. Staff and colleagues appear to like each other

g. How are interactions between staff and visitors?

4. Organizational power structure

a. Where is the seat of power within the organization?

b. What is the balance of power seen between departments?

c. Is special treatment/perks given to some, i.e., parking preferences, dining perks,