American Psychological Association

American Psychological Association

Grammar in its basic form decides how a writer will be received by the reader. Incorrect grammar sidetracks the reader from the tone an author has set. A format that I constantly work on is the use of parallel construction. On page 84 of, the “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.)” parallel construction is covered. This is two ideas covered in a sentence that will improve the reader’s comprehension. (APA, 2010, pg.84) Another format important to consider is the explanation of abbreviations. Abbreviations in scientific writing are used to shorten long drawn out titles. The key in using abbreviations is to initially explain what the abbreviation is and use it at least four times. There is a balance that must be attained. Using too many abbreviations jumbles up the sentence and make it difficult to read, but not using enough causes the reader to lose interest with repetitive phrasing. (APA, 2010, pg.106-107)


American Psychological Association. (2010, pg.9,84). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Purdue Writing Lab. (2018). APA Style Introduction // Purdue Writing Lab. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Dec. 2018].

Walden University. (2012d). Walden University: APA style. Retrieved from