adenovirus, and coronavirus.

adenovirus, and coronavirus.

Primary Diagnosis

Tonsillitis- Tonsillitis is generally the result of an infection, which may be viral or bacterial. Viral etiologies are the most common. The most common viral causes are usually those that cause the common cold, including rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, and coronavirus. These typically have low virulence and rarely lead to complications. Other viral causes such as Epstein-Barr (causing mononucleosis), cytomegalovirus, hepatitis A, rubella, and HIV may also cause tonsilitis. (Georgala CC,Tolley NS, Narula PA,2014)

Differential Diagnosis

Streptococcus Pharyngitis- infection with Streptococcus pyogenes. Symptom onset in streptococcal infection is usually abrupt and includes intense sore throat, fever, chills, malaise, headache, tender enlarged anterior cervical lymph nodes, and pharyngeal or tonsillar exudate. (Ebell, Smith, Barry, Ives, & Carey, 2000; Shaikh, Leonard, & Martin, 2010).

Viral Pharyngitis-Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx resulting in a sore throat. Pharyngitis is a symptom rather than a condition. Most often it is caused by viral infections like the common cold and flu. (Pharyngitis, n.d.)


Base on to the descriptions in the case study, Mr. Ortego is a 20 years old heterosexual male with no regular single partner. According to his sister, who interpret for him, he used to live in Brazil, does not speak English, has no past serious medical history and is not allergic to any Antibiotics. He recently came to the clinic complaining of sore throat for the last 24hours. He represent with signs and symptoms of pain when swallowing, no cough, a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 degrees), tender and enlarged anterior cervical lymph nodes on the left side, and his left tonsil is red, enlarged and partially covered with exudate, the right tonsil is red but not enlarged, and no difficulty breathing.

Primary Diagnosis: