address autonomy

address autonomy

  1. itle page (1 slide)
  2. What are the facts of the case? This should include: what do we need to know, who is involved in the situation, where does the ethical situation take place, and when does it occur? (3-4 slides)
  3. What is the precise ethical issue in regards to autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, fidelity, and justice? (4-5 slides)
  4. Identify the major principles, rules, and values of the case.  Values are sets of beliefs about good and bad, right and wrong, and about many other aspects of living and interacting in the society with others. A principle is a personal rule that governs personal behavior. A rule is generally imposed by a figure of authority, and used to guide and govern people. (3-4 slides)
  5. Locate the scope of practice for EMTs in your state.  Is your scope of practice dictated by the state or facility the EMT works for? Does the scope of practice vary from state to state? Explain and support your answers (4-5 slides)
  6. Locate your professional code of ethics for EMTs.  Does the code of ethics address autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, fidelity, and justice? Explain and provide an example for each (5-6 slides)
  7. Based on the scope of practice and code of ethics found, do you support the EMT’s decision in this case? Why or why not? Be specific with examples (3-4 slides)
  8. If you were a member of the ethics committee at this facility, what actions or changes would you recommend changing? Why? (2-3 slides)

For the presentation, insure information is referenced and cited in your slides. The presentation should start with a title slide and end with a reference slides. At least 3 references are required for this assignment. You must include at least 5 pictures or graphics. All pictures or graphics taken from outside sources must be referenced and cited.

Assignment Expectations: