90% of her coworkers.

90% of her coworkers.

For this assignment, you are the new Compliance Representative in the HR Department. It is your primary goal to ensure the organization is compliant with laws and regulations in all areas including recruiting/hiring new people, employee safety, and fair labor practices for current employees. While you address compliance concerns in all departments, you report to the VP of Human Resources. Read the case study of Sarah Green and provide a two-part response to the VP of HR.

Part One: Read and analyze the scenario below. Write a report to the VP of HR summarizing the case and providing a clear argument that an EEOC act was violated. State which act applies to the case.

Part Two: Prepare an outline of a training session for hiring managers and for the pay and benefits specialists to prevent a repeat of the situation in the scenario.

Case Study

Sarah Green has been an accountant for 12 years. She worked in a small medical practice for two years after earning her BS in Accounting and then chose to work freelance for five years. For the past five years she worked at a large firm, Stokely and Associates, where she brought in more new clients than 92% of her colleagues and received a higher satisfaction score from clients than 90% of her coworkers.