unit 4 and 6 State and local politics

unit 4 and 6 State and local politics

unit 4 


1. Discuss the issues surrounding representativeness and ways to increase overall representativeness in state government.


Your response should be at least 75 words in length.


2. Discuss three of the governor’s legislative powers. Explain which power is most important and why.


Your response should be at least 200 words in length.


3. Describe the governor’s roles in influencing the budgetary process.


Your essay should be at least 500 words in length and include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion



unit 6 


1. In your own words, discuss what you believe are the two most relevant reasons for low voter turnout in local elections compared to national elections. Please include what makes them the most relevant.


Your response should be at least 75 words in length


2. Compare and contrast the roles of city managers and mayors.


Your essay should be at least 200 words in length


3. Discuss the history that led to the creation of suburbs and then to suburban sprawl. Characterize the governing issues that arose based on urban sprawl, and discuss a solution that you believe is the most effective and efficient answer to the issues that surround governing metropolitan areas. Support your answer with specific examples.


Your essay should be at least 500 words in length and include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion