



For this week’s wiki post, which relates to Capsim, present an evaluation of TWO other teams in the class (how the teams performed in the last round). Choose any two teams you wish. To do this, you should examine the Capstone Courier for all the decisions and results of the round. You should be very specific in identifying problems, and give specific recommendations on how to improve. (For example, ‘you should improve your market share for Baker product by cutting your price’; ‘you received an emergency loan because you didn’t finance your long term investments. To do that you should secure long term debt’; or ‘Your plant utilization for Baker product is too low, so you need to either increase production (if you expect to be able to sell it) or sell capacity’.) Each team evaluation should be about one half of a page, so your total post should be about one page. Be sure to title each post with the name of the team you are advising.