managing a hectic household,

managing a hectic household,

Reading: Problem Identification

We encounter problems in every aspect of our lives. On a personal level, we are constantly working on such things as mending relationships with friends and family members, managing a hectic household, and addressing health concerns. In our professional lives, we also encounter problems on a daily basis, both on a small and a large scale. For example, if you are a teacher, you may spend one class period managing poor student behavior and then spend the next class period scrambling to figure out how to finish your lesson plan before the bell rings. There are also the larger-scale issues that you may deal with, particularly if you teach in a public school system, such as reconciling the tension between government-mandated initiatives and your own beliefs about what works well in the classroom.

In response to these types of industry-specific problems, researchers are continually investigating ways to fix these issues. The results of such research will impact the types and availability of careers in various fields, while also impacting people’s personal lives. For example, in the fast food industry, many companies are responding to society’s ever-growing interest in “eating clean” and “being green.” Takeout containers are made with recycled materials, and many fast food chains are ceasing to use artificial colors and ingredients in their food. Individuals in the food industry now feel the pressure to join the “clean and green” movement in order to attract and maintain customers. And as with all change, debate follows. There will always be dissenters from every viewpoint.

Introduction to Persuasion

In this course, you will practice the art of persuasion*. You will think about a problem in your field of study/profession that has at least two clear arguable sides and compose a persuasive argument* that clearly states your point of view on the issue. Your goal is to convince the audience to adopt your viewpoint. In order to do this, you will make a claim—an assertion with which your audience might disagree—and then support that assertion with evidence.

Read the following video transcript below to better understand how argument and persuasion can play out in everyday life.

Argument in Everyday Life

The word “argument” has a negative connotation, or suggested meaning. When people hear the word argument, they often assume it is a hostile conversation about a topic. But argument can also simply mean a well-reasoned point being made about a topic, done so in a respectful, logical way. Arguments can occur between respectful parties who strongly disagree with one another’s argument, but it does not have to be hostile.

Let’s say you are sitting at Thanksgiving dinner, and you are a bit nervous because your uncle, who feels very differently about politics than you, will inevitably bring up the latest political hot topic. Knowing you have to be level-headed and reasoned in your conversation with him, in order to avoid any hostility, you choose an even tone, respectfully acknowledge what he is saying, but still hold your ground on your position toward the hot topic. Since it is different than his position, and you want to hold your own in this argument, you present him with reasons that are clear and logical. Although he may not agree with you, and you will likely not persuade him, he is more likely to at least listen to your point of view. Making sure you do not slip into insulting language, eye rolling, or walking away when he disagrees with you are all important to having an effective argument.

In all aspects of our lives, we present arguments to those around us: to car salespeople, to our children when they don’t want to do something we know is good for them, to our partners when they want to spend more money than we do, or to our grandparents when we try to get them to see the benefits of using video chats. Whether we are writing or talking to people who matter to us, argument is all about drawing people in and persuading them to at least see our point of view, if not to adopt it.

The examples in the video transcript show us how argument and persuasion can function successfully (or unsuccessfully) in everyday life. Although the examples provided are in the first person (since they are examples from everyday life), the premise in persuasive writing is the same:

· be respectful of potentially opposing positions