Final exam- Mathematical explorations

Final exam- Mathematical explorations

I would like for a tutor to complete a final exam for mathematical explorations, it has a total of 40 questions. In order to access the final exam you need to log into, once you are on the page click log in on the right side of the page. I will then provide the chosen tutor with my username and password. Once you are logged in click on the course name which is Daniel walker– who is my professor for the course. Then once you are inside of the course click on the left side of the page which says quizzes and Tests. I would advise the tutor to take the PRACTICE final exam first which has a total of 3 attempts it gives you a better look on what to expect at the final exam which has only one attempt. Please score over a 75% on the final exam.

*** this is a timed exam and you are given 300 minutes to complete the final exam which consists of 40 questions***