Dynamical Systems Essay

Dynamical Systems Essay

You will need to choose a topic. It is usually related in some way to the main course (Dynamical systems) but it doesn’t have to be. Some students write biographies about people associated with the subject , some write about applications of Dynamical systems to a particular problem in mathematics, physics, economics or some other field, some write on mathematical aspects that weren’t covered in class. You will be writing an approximately 20 page paper on the subject. For this paper your audience will be fellow math students. Your job is to tell an interesting and compelling story about your problem, it’s solution, it’s history – what ever you goal is – but construct your paper so that it draws the reader in and presents them with some new knowledge that they can take away. Usually it will not involve many proofs. This is an expository story explaining something about the subject at hand and why this subject is interesting.