Data analysis- research paper

Data analysis- research paper

Abstract:150 words

Literature review/ introduction: 3 pages. (Part of the paper not individual)

Method: 1- participants- describe the sample 2- materials- decribe the questionnaires used 3- procedure- describe how subjects participated in the study.

Results- it should be about the regressionanalyses.

Discussion- briefly tie in the results to the literature review.

Over all pages should be 8 pages

The study and the results is uploaded.

The IV 1 is bise02 IV 2 is popse02 DV- se02

Also there is an example about the instructions of the paper

Please use three sources for the literature review

This is the study, also it will be uploaded as spss to see the numbers and the results

N = 195

This dataset was collected from a sample of 195 4th


th grade children at a university school in a metropolitan area in the US. It is a

longitudinal data set with two time measurements. It looks at various aspects of children’s well-being including the following


Categorical Variables Continuous Variables

Grade Self-esteem (6 item scale)

Sex Depression (10 item scale)

Gender typicality (5 item scale)

Prosocial behavior

Sports self-efficacy (5 item scale)

Body image self-efficacy (4 item scale)

Popularity self-efficacy (5 item scale)

Aggression (% of peers who rate participant as aggressive)

Victimized (% of peers who say participant is victimized)

Avoidant attachment (15 item scale)

Preoccupied attachment (15 item scale)
