4-part problem: dealing with mean, population, H1, H0, df, calculate t, and reject (or fail to and why).

4-part problem: dealing with mean, population, H1, H0, df, calculate t, and reject (or fail to and why).

The following 10 numbers were drawn from a population. Is it likely that these numbers came from a population with a mean of 13 (rest of question below)? Evaluate with a two-tailed test at p < .05. (see attached doc for complete problem) 5, 7, 7, 10, 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13 a. State both in words, and then symbolically what your H1 and H0 would be. b. What is your df? What is your critical t? c. Calculate t d. Based on the above information, would you reject H0, or fail to reject it? Why? How would you state your conclusion in words? (Show work)