You have the choice of watching either of the following two lectures, depending on which subject interests you the most….

You have the choice of watching either of the following two lectures, depending on which subject interests you the most….

You have the choice of watching either of the following two lectures, depending on which subject interests you the most. Pretend you are sitting in your first lecture at University! 1. Wade Davis: The Worldwide Web of Belief and Ritual Wade Davis Wade Davis Watch the following TED talk by Wade Davis, National Geographic Explorer in Residence, and take Cornell style notes, which you will hand into the Dropbox. It is a fascinating look at what it means to be human, presented by one of my favourite thinkers. Listen with the intention of pondering the essence of humanity…Enjoy! Wade Davis on the Worldwide Web of Belief and Ritual 2. Ken Robinson: Schools Kill Creativity Ken Robinson Sir Ken Robinson Watch the following TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson, creativity expert, and take Cornell style notes, which you will hand into the Dropbox. It is a fascinating look at how our school systems could be rethought and restructured to cultivate creatvity instead of squashing it. Listen with the intention of pondering the role of the education system, and the nature of the mind and creativity…Enjoy!