William Thompson

William Thompson

With the expected results from EMDR, the client will process negative feelings to the scope of traumatic memories and can recalled without producing negative emotions (Khan et al., 2018). William Thompson will recognize his health concern and the need for therapy.

In regard to CBT, the expected outcomes are that of learning communication skills to addresses avoidance related to PTSD, relationship problems and challenging trauma-related beliefs. The benefit of CBT will cause the client to be aware of his health-related concerns and the need to receive the intervention (Flanagan, Jones, Jarnecke & Back, 2018). Also, with CBT, another expected outcome is the ability to resist alcohol use as several studies have demonstrated that CBT significantly reduces alcohol use disorder.

In summary, the important thing to remember regardless of the treatment choice, is that therapy should be adjusted to the clients need. Using an individualized therapy, the therapy will be use with clients who get the greatest response. Also, the willingness to engage in therapy will depends on the patient. As PMHNP we have lots of different options to explore to help someone with a trauma in their life. Everybody responds differently so one therapy might not work for one person but will work for the others.

Colleagues’ Response Post #2

Observation of Client

William, the client in question, is a former military Captain and Iraqi war veteran. He is currently homeless and staying with his brother and his brother’s family due to an inability to pay his rent previously. William moved in with his brother because of these issues and is currently dealing with problems with his job being in jeopardy because of his current alcohol troubles. William presents with a flat affect and his family describes him as not “having it together”. According to the American Psychiatric Association (2013), DSM-5 criteria for a Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder diagnosis includes many things that William displays. Some diagnostic criteria includes “exposure to actual or threatened death or serious injury” (APA, 2013). William was exposed to these things and could have possibly experienced fellow platoon members die in war. Along with this, William exhibits signs that his disturbances cause significant distress or impairment “in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning” by attempting to cope with his problems with alcohol use (APA, 2013). Mahoney et al. (2020) explain that PTSD “is associated with higher levels of alcohol use among returning veteran